Sunday, May 20, 2012


Me and bryan did some parts swapping. Here's his scoots
cody edington

Knuckle bags for sale

Check them out on eBay under : Knucklehead panhead saddlebags.

cody edington

Saturday ride...

Heath's been working on the flatty for couple of weeks. Got put back together and we blasted off. So far its starting on first and second kick everytime. Mine also. Now with another new charging system. Second in a month, good times.

cody edington

Friday, May 4, 2012

Super Dave, East Bay cycles

Dave running to Oklahoma last weekend. If your ever south of the metroplex check out his shop. Its a Freakin time capsule. Plus, like Jesse says, he's a pan ninja.

cody edington

Its in the details ..

cody edington

cody edington

I'm old Harley to the bone, but....

Could you imagine if they made more than almost 100. They were fine machines and gave Harley and Indian a run for there money.  Ken please don't call and tell me you know were one is. I'll probably get a divorce....

cody edington